Thursday, November 19, 2009

Beauty Queen,UGLY behaviour!!!

Miss Universe 's3x' scandal: Miss Trinidad/Tobago sex video 'stolen' from laptop, claims boyfriend

Yes, it's Miss Trinidad/Tobago 2008, Anya Ayoung-Chee (l.), in the sex tape and Miss Japan 2008, Hiroko Mima, is in it, too, says Ayoung-Chee's photographer boyfriend.

It's the latest beauty pageant sex tape scandal .This time it involves Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008, Anya Ayoung-Chee, who was reportedly recorded having sex with her boyfriend, Wyatt Gallery, and another woman in a menage a trois.

Initial reports suggested the other woman was Miss Japan 2008, Hiroko Mima. According to TMZ, Gallery confirmed Ayoung-Chee was in the tape with him and another woman

Gallery went on to claim the video was swiped from his laptop while at a repair shop in Trinidad. The video itself, he reportedly told TMZ, was shot back in 2007.

"I feel horrible and embarrassed for Anya, her family and myself," he told TMZ, and suggested the leaking of the tape was done intentionally to damage her career.

The Miss Universe organization appeared to be distancing itself from this scandal. However, in a quote to TMZ, its statement that the video was shot "eight months after the pageant" would seem to conflict with Gallery's claim it was filmed in 2007.

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